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Announce Offering Of New Benefits


TO: [First Name of employee] [Last Name of employee]
[Title of employee]

FROM: [First Name of employer] [Last Name of employer]
[Title of employer]

DATE: [Date of notification]

RE: New pension plan

We are pleased to announce that our company is establishing a pension plan effective [Date pension plan is effective]. The plan covers all full-time employees and is funded entirely with employer contributions.

The new pension plan is fully explained in the enclosed brochure, but here are some highlights: [Highlights of plan]

All full-time employees with at least [Number of years with the company] years of service will have contributions made on their behalf at the end of each fiscal year dependent on the profitability of the company and will be prorated based on your salary grade. The employee is fully vested from the beginning of the enrollment in this program and will have access to 100% of the funds contributed upon leaving the firm.

Please refer to the enclosed brochure for further details and contact [Name of Contact at personnel] at Personnel for any questions or concerns. [His/Her] Ext. is [Phone of Contact at personnel].